Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is a JBL GTO 75.2 amp good for one Rockford fosgate p3 12 inch sub?

I have 2 p3s and 2 JBL 75.2 GTO amps one for each sub i havnt hooked it up yet and i have a big ported box are my subs going to give out some good loud b just curious

Will MO (Altria) do well without Philip Morris?

I think MO will do fine without PM. MO is a shareholders dream. They do whatever it takes the make the shareholders happy. I don't think it will go up as fast as before, but it's still a good stock to have.

Black people and fig newtons?

has there ever been a moment in history where a black person has eaten a fig newton?!?!? i mean, has it ever happened, ive searched and searched and searched and can never find one example! please tell me if you know of a picture of a black and a newton

What can I wear these boots with? is the black ones?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do I look like like a play doll, a one night stand, or intimidating?

I'm almost 33, seeking to date or get into a serious relationship. Currently it looks like I only seem to attract men who are unavailable and seeking an extra trill in their lives, also older guys tend to approach me. It annoys me, I don't believe am giving out the wrong signs to these particular men. However the men that are umed available do not (very seldom) approach me, what am I doing wrong? I've been told in the past that I'm intimidating, which I don't think I am, yet my sister just stated a few days ago, that I am a strong independent woman, who knows what she wants, and that energy might project intimidation amongst some men. A little about myself that may help your answer, I'm hard working, and while doing this working on my second Masters, I'm a social person, but don't get around to it as much do to work, I love traveling and new ventures. When it comes to men race is not an issue. I love tall me 5'10" /6' and above, but it's not a priority... any suggestions?

..........A Geometry Question ?

M is the circentre of triangle ABC. Seg CM & BM are produced to meet AB & AC in the points E and D respectively. Prove that m(angle)BEC+ m(angle)BDC=3m(angle)A.

Longboarding or Skateboarding?

If your not into tricks, you should get a small sized longboard. The longboard wheels and trucks differ from skateboard ones and are awesome for transportation. If you don't have hilly areas, you may not be able to downhill, but that doesn't really seem to matter much to you. Right now I can't think of any boards to fit ur needs cuz i'm more into skateboarding, but check out Post about ur size and what you are looking for in a board and the people there are really helpful and will respond within minutes. Goodluck and hope you have fun longboarding!

Why do people think that starvation diets WON'T make you skinny ?

Every time the topic of starvation diets comes up , people immediately say that they don't work . Why ? I lost 10 lbs in 5 days eating 500 calories/day at the absolute MOST , and I've been doing this for a very long time and continue to lose weight nearly as steadily . I realize that you can gain that weight back quickly , and that you reach a 'plateau' , but those are easy to get around . So why do people think they don't work ?

What video game mascot did you grew up on?

As in what video game(s) mascot(s) did you play as you grew up? Link? Zelda? Mario and/or Luigi? Solid Snake? Sonic the Hedgehog? Simon Belmont? Pokemon? Mega Man? Kid Icarus? (now known to the gaming world as "Pit") Samus Aran? Pac Man? If Final Fantasy or any other games has mascots that I didn't mention, put that answer down anyway! You can put down as many mascots and/or video game charatchers as you like! Thanks for answering.

I can not publish my Windows Movie Maker project because Data Execution Prevention stops it! Help Please!?

Everytime I try and publish my video, Windows closes WMM and says in the corner 'To protect your computer, Data Execution Prevention (DEP) has closed this program'. I have tried setting it so DEP doesn't work on WMM, but then it says 'This program can not have DEP turned off'. What can I do? I also tried putting it on a DVD and then re loading it to my computer, but DEP closes that too! Thanks

Is Liverpool/Merseyside a good place to live?

There are some good parts and some bad to very bad parts in Liverpool just like anywhere. But in general Liverpool is a big city with its own strong culture. People there speak scouse and has a mixed race society. There is a chinatown and has good chinese community and other people types. But like anywhere, foreigners are just a small percentage of the people in Liverpool. Crime is not too bad (from opinion only). Out of ten I would say Liverpool is a 7 or an 8 to live. Its popular, famous (footbal team), improving city and have some beautiful women that live there. How it is for you, will depend on where you live. Liverpool has had regeneration work done to it to bring the old into the present, buildings have come down and rebuilt modern apartments and so on. I would suggest you contact an estate agent in Liverpool and if you can afford, I would ask for a modern apartment close to where your going to work or within driving time.

Can I use a Maverick 88 for deer hunting?

I bought one a t Wally World for $178 and took it out and fired some slugs through it. Now, I just read somewhere that I should never fire slugs through this gun-and that it is a target or HD shotgun! Can I use this in the field and can I shoot slugs?

Pancake Eating Contest Winner Chokes To Death?

that's terrible but i had to laugh at the line "celebrations continued when his body was taken away"

If Ram Setu is real then Sree Lankans are Rakshas.?

the judges in india are learned person. by accepting the plea in respect to so called Ram Setu the hon'ble judge has by default has accepted that reasidents of Sree Lanka are Rakshas. and the immidiate ancestors of Orissa, Bihar, Bengal and MP encircling Dandakanaya were monkeys. are they?

How can i get back at my friend for tellen me lies??

Ok so i texed him sayin can i spend the night, he said no sorry i cant have anyone over, so i go to facebook, and find that his gf posted something sayin "going to (friend)'s house with everyone. and i knew that he lied straight threw his teeth, so i want to get back sarcasticly, i want to make them feel like i dont know, and is gettin suspicous, so that can make them feel guilty, help me out please! thanks

Is kennedy turning face and finally getting a push?

okay snitsky is the ugliest and I think that he is turning face because even before he did he got a lot of cheers which is why I think they are turning face well at least one of the reasons...

Why do people think the Republicans do well with the domestic economy?

Proof is in the result. Since Hoover, Republicans have guided rather lackluster economic results, one major depression, and a score of painful recessions. Starting with Regan and continuing with Bush I, and now Bush II, Republicans have been terrible stewards of the public coffers due to gigantic deficit spends. The only democrat that had a bad economy in the past 60 years was Carter--Roosevelt brought back the economy wrecked by Hoover; Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, and Clinton all maintained boom years.

Reviews on great wolf lodge please?

The one i went to in Kansas City was cool. It had a video arcade, indoor swimming pool/park and amazing rooms themed for an out-door cabin. It is realy a cool hotel, but check the pricing. It can get up to 200 dollars a night! I stayed at the fallen oak suite. It got to 257 dollars total for one night! plus food which they usualy have a meal service downstairs, total was 300 dollars. The room is awesome, so hope the pricing doesen't delay you!

How was your Thanksgiving?

Mine sort of stunk. All my family members are super annoying, and I was just plain creeped out when I saw my physcho uncle and his girl friend 'on the couch' (enough said.) We put our fireplace on, and next thing I knew, there were giant wasps all over the fireplace. I had to spend an hour sitting there killing them and making sure no more came back in, while my mom scrambled to put the turkey together. I wonder if my dad realizes that bug spray is highly flammable, because he came in and started spraying them in the fireplace until my mom started yelling at him. My other weird uncle was late because he got into a car accident, and the entire front of his car was smashed, he couldn't even open the door. And our fat, annoying pug started having a snorting attack while eating paper off the floor. Is it just me, or is our family a little strange?

A few quick sims 3 questions?

i think you need all the lastest expansions for that... i only have The sims 3 and i cant do none of that

Looking for motherboard?

Recently my Asus A8N-LA motherboard went out in my HP pavillion. it needs no be replaced, doesnt NEED to be the same one, but if anyone can link me any Micro ATX Motherboards that are AMD Socket 939 it would be very helpful!! trying not to spend to much on it just need to get it back running

Where is the best all inclusive resort in Mexico for seafood? I am craving oysters craw-fish sushi and crab!?

I am a bartender that is getting burnt out....need a beach and some good seafood, I live in the middle of Colorado where there is no ocean and am headed to Mexico for a week, don't care where, just care about an all inclusive with seafood as an option on a daily basis. This is my first priority, second i would like it to have a swim up bar if possible. So if anyone knows on of these from experience I'd greatly appreciate the tip. Also if there was a resort that had monkeys in tuxedos walking around with trays of tails that would just be a bonus.

Ur opinion on gwen stefani?

her songs are ok...good person..good mother...i agree the songs are bit stupid but it the tune is nice^^

I know its a while away, but whats a cute way to ask my bf to homecoming?

This isn't really a way of asking him, but this is something I would do. I would say something like, "I've been thinking about homecoming here lately. You know, just the usual stuff like what color dress I'm going to wear, how to fix my hair, who to ask...Do you have any idea what I should do about any of these?! I'm starting to stress..." I would do that just to see what he says. If he tells you what color dress to get, smack him. Lol, just kidding. But it would be funny :)

If the Great Tribulation began in 1988, and is a 23-year-period rather than a 7-year period as taught in ....?

I don't think the bible state the exact date of the Great tribulation. That is man's interpretation. What will be, will be and world will be doomed regardless to if the bible says so or not. Just make sure that you have yours in order,

Should I give my ex back his stuff?

Bundle it up and give it back, by mail or as the first answer says. You could also put a note in about your ring.

Why do animal testers pick on Beagles?

I have been looking into animal testig and when they test dogs they always test Beagles? Why beagles?

Which phone i can purchase in android 2.3 in the range of 15,000 Rs..?

I want to buy a phone in android 2.3.. suggest me please and it should be in the range of 15,000 Rs.

How are YOU going to pay your 546, 668.00$ 'Fair Share'?

I'm waiting for Obama's second term so that he can bail me out. How else are we going to have the Amero or Uni, if we don't collapse the Dollar?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

HIV!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!?

What do you think? Would the globally widespread HIV increase the frequency of the resistance allele or decrease it? ume that anti-HIV drugs are not available.Explain your answer!

Can the Army loosely organize into a union?

Knowing that you are "owned" once you are in military service, I am wondering if it is legal for soldiers who are up for reenlistment to loosely organize. Everyone knows you must obey orders, but the bane of an effective all- volunteer army is reenlistment. If an organized social network of soldiers who are up to reenlist were to mount a solid front, through lets say... social networking sites, which are relatively new to the scene, then theoretically it could yield leverage unavailable previously. The advent of social networking, coupled with the inherit weakness of an all-volunteer force which depends on reenlistment, well... you can imagine the power shift that possibly could entail. Has this ever been thought of before?

'Bribery' is such a strong word. Is there I better word or wording to use in the following case?

you can use "blackmail" or go on line to the thesaurus and check and it will give you a list of alternatives.

New Banks ft Kanye, Fab, Swizzy - Start It Up?

Yeah sounds like the mixdown or whatever isn't right yet, Ryan Leslie does dope hooks though. Fab and Banks were nice, but not the best I've heard from them. Kanye was kinda whack though.

Do you think that any of today's NBA stars...?

No. Kobe, arguably today's best player, should make the Top 20 but he'd be somewhere between the 15th and 20th spot. The thing is, for all of Kobe's incredible talent and skills, he'll forever be in Jordan's shadow because he followed MJ and patterned his career path exactly after His Airness'. Same is true with the other 2 high-flyers, Wade and LeBron. They all followed Jordan so in spite of their achievements, they'll always be mentioned way below Jordan, and even Dr. J.

Why are law abiding citizens of this country who do not support the amnesty bill called racist and bigots?

I dont believe in giving millions of people a free p ( and i dont care about the fines they would not be forced to pay because of the far left libs. ) as an American I've obeyed the laws of this country and have fought for it ( 7 yrs U.S Army ). Am I wrong for believing that people that want to come to America should be forced to do it legally? Does that make me a racist or a bigot? what does that tell our children other than it's OK to break our laws if enough people do it? I love our country and what it stands for. I just expect the same from all of those who wish too come here. Am i wrong? If so Why?

Designing a Menu [10 points]?

download a new template for you microsoft publisher that has a 3 fold design. you should be able to get it from within microsoft publisher but if you cant you can get if from

Do prisoners get an extra blanket/quilt in the colder months?

i dont think so because the tempature is the same... it isnt like your house where it gets really cold in the winter. the place barely even has windows.

Please answer.....TTC?

I missed my periods which was supposed to be on 12th May and did a HPT (-ve result) this afternoon, have right abdomen pains for the past weeks, have a low back pain, no period cramps..did any moms get BFP's after these symptoms or is there anything good to look forward i still have a chance...

I dont really talk around my boyfriend because im so shy.?

please help..I dont really talk around my boyfriend because im so shy. but i really do love him with all my heart. its just that i feel really shy when im with him. does anyone have any tips or ideas abut how i can not be so shy?

Is there any legitimate lending institution who will offer a Return Anticipation Loan and NOT charge too much?

Knowing that there are so many sleezy lenders out there making exorbitant amounts from low-income individuals, it just seems like something that legitimate outfits might negate by offering better loans on this guaranteed income. Does anyone know if any legitimate lending institution has stepped up to offer what the cons have not - a decent loan product based on anticipated tax returns?

Help I'm looking for a Manga/Manhwa but i can't remember the name of it only how the story begins?

you should just use kgb and tell them the story of how it starts 4 99 cents a a question they will answear and figure it out 4 u just txt ur Q to 542 542

Do you do household chores eg dust/hoover/mop floors etc, daily or do you wait until the weekend? (?

i try to keep up with the clean up all during the week because i don't want to spend my whole weekend doing a major cleanup and because somehow my carpets would get a little crunchy with only a once a week hose down

Is this scary enough???


How were the conditions ripe for the Bolshevik Revolution (1917) in Russia?

How were the conditions ripe for the Bolshevik Revolution (1917) in Russia? How was Lenin able to create a communist dictatorship in place of a czarist monarchy?


i just found a webiste tat says that will give you 500$ gift card to abercrombie,gap, or express...this seems tru but im not sure. is this a real offer and will send a FREE 500$ gift card? but it says that you must be 18 and older and im not 18 so what should i do? becuz they say they will keep some of my shipping information like my address. HELP! =()

Whats the best gloves for boxing/kickboxing?

for training i'd used 10-16oz for protection, help protect your hands from damage and help in handspeed because they weigh the hands down more and make them work faster.

When do Kevin and Gwen kiss (Ben 10)?

I read somewhere that kevin and Gwen Kiss in Season 3 of Ben 10 Alien force i was wondering if anyone knew what episode it is.

What is the best way to lose weight fast?

I am trying to lose 15-25 pounds in 2 in a half months. I've been excersing about an hour and a half a day and controlling my portions along with completely cutting out soda. Is there any dietary supplement that works good to burn fat? Thanks for the help

Monday, August 15, 2011

Which of these will be best to see on the UK tour 2009 (line-up below) - WWE Raw or WWE Smackdown?

Well im going to RAW in Belfast and I think it looks pretty good but it is up to yourself so pick which one you prefer

Does anyone know of legitimate companys to work for at home?

yeah I've been doing this a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a lol they actually pay me once a month too.. It's pretty awesome all I do is surveys and offers when I'm bored and I get paid for it... it's also 100% free you should check it out it's the best gpt site I have found.

Avatar a threat to Conservatives. Im no fan of the left but whats bugging the right, dont they like liberty?

I haven't seen the flick, but from what I understand it's the right wing fundie wackos who have their panties all in a bunch over it. I guess a couple of their leaders fed them a bunch of crap about it and they believed everything they were told without checking for themselves.

I am doing a Salsa Presentation next January 16 in my Spanish Dpt in my school and?

Yeah more salsa less slavery. Also, I'm surprised to learn Latin Americans have the innate ability to dance.

Did you see the movie 'He's just not that into you'?

OK so I saw this movie yesterday, it was really cute and funny but I missed the first 10 min. or so...ugh! I was wondering if you could tell me what happend in the begining...the part I walked in at was when Scarlet Johansen and that guy from wedding crashers were in a parking lot and he was telling her he was married and then they exchanged business cards anyway and then ben afflec came to pick him what happend before that?? and what was that all about when the brown haired girl googled destination weddings nappa valley, and then her face was like upset or shocked or something..why would she react like that? what was on the computer?? lol ok thanks peoples!

I would like to know how to get over feeling abandoned, cuz I was adopted.?

When I was 6 mos. I was adopted into a wonderful family. Though they are white, I am Cree (Canadian Indian). I grew up hating Indians, cuz I had so much racism and prejudice. My parents are proud that I'm their little Indian girl, they even sent me to Indian camp when I was 12, and I hated it. But I have 3 brothers and growing up with them was really good, we were all very close. Then my oldest brother Dennis, got with this lady, who lied from the very beginning. She said she was Enya!!! And had my parents believing for 2 years, course I knew she wasn't and if I tried to say she wasn't I was shhushed. Anyways, she caused so many problems between me and my brother, and she even accused us of having once!! He had 2 kids with her, he's an alcoholic, and so is she, and she should be on medication, but she doesn't always take it. Anyways a couple of years ago, I phoned them to ask them if they wanted to do a mothers day dinner, everyone bring something. So they said they'd do the meat, my other brothers were brining something else, and I said I would bring dessert. I am no baker, but I probably shouldn't have said I would just pick up cookies, but he said, "You stupid fat ******* Indian, you aren't even part of this family!" Well this hurt, eventually we made up, kind of, we had xmas last year, and it was okay. but now he is dying of cancer, he has 3 mos. to live, and i try and call but they don't take my calls.

What did you think of these 2008 Oscar contenders?

This year has been good for movies, although many commercial movies were released, I think the competition for the Oscars will be pretty tight. There are so many great films like: Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Burn After Reading, The Duchess, In Bruges, Rachel Getting Married, Revolutionary Road, The Curious Case of Benjamin on and Changeling. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is really depressing, but it's an excellent movie. Slumdog Millionaire was a huge surprise, I didn't expect the movie to be so good. Milk is also really good, but the highlight is Sean Penn's performance, he is probably a big favorite for the best actor category. Frost/Nixon is a good too. Im curious to watch Doubt and The Reader.

What is a good free music download site for relatively small unknown bands?

Disco Curtis is one of my favorite bands, and I'm looking for a website that will have their songs. A site without software downloads and required membership would be nice. (:

Friend never invites me when she's going to a bar/clubbing?

maybe she see's you as a "Not so much of a party" type?? Hate to be mean but maybe she sees you as boring, or that you might clammer over a guy shes hanging with at the clubs. I do not know the cirstances of course b/c I dont know you, but talk to her ask why after inviting her to all your get-togethers, why she wont do the same for you. It is the only way to get it straightened out, but if it dont work then hang out w/ new friends.

What is an average size cage you should breed finches and canaries?

and parakeets and other small birds, im gonna set up a new aviary with breeding cabinets in it so i can breed more species

I have a lump under my arm pit?

It is likely a lymph node. Lymph nodes remove toxins from the body. If you have a lot of toxins they will swell up. Keep in mind, in many cases this is how cancer starts. You may want to look at your diet and environment to see if you can find anything that could be causing your toxin levels to be high. Many doctors mis diagnose this as cancer, but it can be corrected. Good luck with your appointment. I hope it is nothing serious.

Is "Don't leave the TV on" grammatically unsound?

I know that "on" is a preposition, but in this case it doesn't act to specify a location, it acts as a synonym for "running."

Should I not use this?

I have had a the skin test,at the hairdressers for dye, it didn't react and I had my whole hair done. however I bought a home dye and have just put a little behind my ear for the skin test and it's burning and stings, does that mean I should definitely not use it? and should I remove the small tester?

How do i crochet names in blankets ? crochet doiles .com has good ideas any others?

I recently created an afghan with a last name of Vaughn. I printed it out on 8.5 x 11 paper over a printed graph (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a using the largest and prettiest font, counted the color changes, (row count) crocheted it in a panel then granny squared around the edge alternating rows of the cream and taupe colors. We gave it as a housewarming gift to my boyfriend's boss and wife.

* Please choose BEST answer*?

I would say D. Viruses are not living organisms like a unicellular organism so they won't have the ability to metabolize things. There are usually two types of viruses from what I know, one that have a cell membrane envelope, like adenoviruses and another that contains a protein coat called a capsid. Either case, they contain protein and either DNA or RNA. Once they infect their host, they introduce these elements which helps it to either integrate their genome into the host or reproduce to make more viruses. In a nutshell this is what is common between a cell and virus.

My 3 year old has bronchitis and now my 5 mo. old has a real rattly cough, could she have it as well?

She has a very runny nose, no fever but a very rattly cough and she has been sleeping more frequently. Should I take her to the doctor? Any help would be appreciated :)

Is it love, and if so what should i do?

Ok so there is this girl i am interested in. We are not together,we're just friends, but she knows i am interested in more than a friendship. A few months ago i confessed my feelings for her and since then we have been talking and texting on a regular basis (we're txting The thing about this girl is that she is extremely hard to read from a mental standpoint. In the past she has been with a few guys, and she ended up with her heart broken so now she is not so quick to open up and wants to take things slow. As far as her feelings for me; she told me there was something there, but that was about it, go figure huh? She is also in school and she wants to finish before she considers a relationship. .So basically if i want this girl its going to take alot of patience, which is cool with me. The thing is though, that my feelings are steadily growing for her, and this time its different then feelings ive had for any other girl; for instance, does not even cross my mind win i initially think of her, like all my past girlfriends. I'm interested in learning more about her as a person more than anything, she is the last person on my mind before i go to sleep, and the first when i wake up. I cood go on and on about my feelings for her but im here for advice on this matter. I think i love her, but i am afraid that telling her would be a bit much at this point and time. I know if we are going to be together it will be a while before it actually happens, so should i just wait to reveal my feelings; moreover, is this even love? I am really confused because i know there is a time and a place for everything, and i don't want 2 ruin it by going overboard. What is a guy to do???

Should i watch Dawn of the Dead (2004) tonight?

It's really a good movie. And it is pretty scary. I don't know how you could rate it worse than the Saw movies, but things do jump out at you.

My dog is always barking, HELP?

He's trying to let you know the people are there, and let them know he'll hurt them if they try to hurt you, FYI he's trying to be a loyal, protective, wonderful dog. It's a dog thing.

In-love with a cool guy . Can u help?

He sounds adorable! You don't say whether you think he's gay, but don't go rushing into any intense declarations of love whichever orientation he is! It sounds like you have the potential for a really special friendship and you have to face the fact that friendship may be all you will ever have. But if he is gay (and I do hope he is!), you still need to tread carefully. Get to know each other better, enjoy your shared interests, and when you know for sure whether or not he's gay, listen to your instincts in what to do next.

How do I get rid of algae in my fish tank?

Hi guys. I have a 75 litre heated fish tank, with neons, guppies, etc. I�ve had it about 16 months now and the fish seem happy enough!! The only problem is the tank has developed very ugly green algae, mainly on the white stones on the floor of the tank and on the ornaments inside. I�ve tried various liquids which claim to kill algae but have had no luck so far. I do a small water change once a week (5 litres) using bottled distilled water. Has anyone got any suggestions as the tank looks really ugly!! I�ve thought of buying some darker coloured stones where the algae won�t show up but I�m not sure if this will upset the environment for the fish. When I originally set up the tank I put 1 natural plant in there but have since removed it as I�ve a feeling that�s what caused the algae, but now I can�t get rid of it!! HELP!!!

Why are we in the war we are in now?

why are we fighting in the war we are in now? and why are we still out there? (the global war on terrorism: Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan)

How do I get rid of these "reference memory" errors?

Have you actually opened up the PC's? Maybe there's some dust in the RAM channels. It could also be a specific program that you are using that is referencing the wrong path in memory. Can't really think of much else it could be. If I do I'll edit my post. Good luck with this.

Trade Greg Jennings for Roddy White or Steve Smith?

I drafted wideouts with the same bye week but I can solve the problem by trading my Jennings for my choice of his White or Smith. They are all ranked and scored very similarly. Which do I take? Is it worth it to keep Jennings and play scrubs for a week?

Would it work to mix some left over beef stew and some left over chicken stew?

Maybe add some more veggies? I think it sounds good but don't want to waste the leftovers on a dumb idea. The beef has mostly celery and onions, the chicken has carrots, celery, and onions. I could add some potatoes? Any suggestions?

Cute creative ways to ask my boyfriend to Sadies Hawkins?

Sadies is coming up and I want to do something really creative and cute when I ask my boyfriend to the dance. I'll take any ideas whether theyre cheesey or cute I just want to find something that will make him smile! :) Thanks everyone!

Why wont the guy who likes me text me back?!?

One of the hottest guys at my school told me he liked me last weekend. We have been texting everyday since. I texted him and he hasnt texted me back for a while and i know he still likes me because my friend recently asked him if he still did. Its been 2 weeks since we've texted and im worried he might be annoyed or mad at me. Also i saw him today and when i walked past he was starring right at me even though he was with his friends. Any advice?!

Why did Frankie Carbone want to warm up the car after Nicki whacked Morris 'Morrie' Kessler?

My dad always told me to warm up a car before starting off on cold days or it would shorten the engine's life, but Jimmy told Nicky and Carbone to ditch the car anyway. So extending the engine's life was not a cardinal issue in this situation.

How much would this computer be worth?

If it's new, I'd expect someone to pay in the neighborhood of $800 - $1000 for it. Decrease the price accordingly, depending on how used it is.

Christians, please give me a proper scientific answer?

No, your reasoning is way off. Why? Because you do not know you Scriptures. It has never rained nor had there been a cloud in the sky before the flood. There was water under the crust, on the crust, and above the atmosphere. The plants were watered by dew and the rising of the water from under the ground, but not from the sky! So there could never have been a rain bow before the flood.

I need help Girl Only?

so lately this week i been getting lower belly cramps in different way i lay and i fell to be alone more often and angry more and cry easy and had heat flashes one night and i had so bad i had to go to my brother room to get fanning and today i was in my room for minute and i had a burn and stingy felling in my private part and i am 11 almost 12 what is this

Allright, which one of you ate my cuber?

I left 2 thick slices of cuber in my tank last night to collect snails. I managed to collect 2. When I picked the cubers up, there were huge holes all over the cuber. I have a molly, guppies, neon tetra, and swordtail. Oh, and 2 new otos. Could they be the culprit? I'm just very curious, because I might give my fishes cuber once every week or so, and is it bad?

More discipline?

How can I be a more disciplined person? I mean i'm doing finein my life right now, but i wish i was more serious about some things. I tend to have a more cynical outlook and don't take stuff seriously. For example, i've been playing the piano for 12 years and i've always been decent. But i have never gotten to the point where I can make myself sit down for a good 1 or 2 hours and practice. This extends to all areas in my life; so how should I start taking things more seriously and not thinking everything is just not worthwhile and be a more disciplined person?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What book should i read for my AP English summer reading?

I vote for JANE EYRE. I read it for my AP Senior English course over the summer years ago, and it changed my understanding and love of literature. The Gothic mystery, the poetry in the narrative, and the heroine and hero of that novel are all Clic. The twist as to what occurs at Thornfield Hall is still quite a revelation to readers in the 21st Century. Also, Jane is a very revolutionary, forthright young woman, who, despite the obstacles laid before her, gets everything she desires by the age of 29. And manages to stay true to herself and her moral comp. She's still an inspiration for both women and men who come from humble, less-than-great beginnings. Even now, I can still relate to her. Enjoy!

What is your favourite quote?

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." I like it because I agree.

Serious ? help 10 pts.?

i have a confusing situation. i was told for 2 months now that my ex (who has a gf and is leaving her) wanted to talk to me and had still had feelings for me. he told a friend of mine about it but still refused to speak to me. then he said he would see me when i went to his city for a vacation (he lives 4 hrs. away) he kept saying all these mean things about his current gf and that he was leaving her and needed to clear things up with me. then i just recently found out yesterday that he removed my friend from his website and started to get mad in ims saying that not only was his gf crazy but so am i! and he is leaving both of us! wth i havent spokenn to this man in nearly 8 months and i am so confused as to why he would ask for me then do this! i have also just recently found out that his soon to be ex has also found out by reading his emails how he feels about her. (he told my friend that he had already left her) and now she checks his emails and websites everyday. what the hell is going on here is this even normal behavior guys?

Boredom boredom boredom... easy crafts etc?

hi i do card making its easy you don't have to be very crafty to do it you don't need that much to start you can buy card making kits on the cheap and it takes your time up.i really enjoy doing it and im in my 20's lol hope this has helped :)

My husband has been banished from our city!?

My lover, my life, my husband has been banished from the city for killing my cousin! My parents want him dead but they do not know I am his wife! Oh woe, what shall I do? Run away with him?

I am looking for a book cover with small LCD monitor?

Hi I am looking for a brochure with small LCD screen, where i can have ons when i click on each on it should show the reverent video please advise ..

Do evolution deniers know what a theory is?

The majority of people who use that argument don't understand the difference between a scientific theory and a blatant guess.

Does kickboxing require boxing gloves?

Yes, usually on sparring many kickboxers use some padding. Just like boxers, kickboxers wear gloves.

HELP!!!!!!!!! I got permanent paint in a suede dining room rag thing!!?

wasn't paying attention and got permanent paint in a suede dining table rag thing!! How do i get some of the stain out?? I already got a little of it out, but how do i get more out? i am determined to fix it!! HELP! thank u:)

Calculating composition from refractive index?

Re-route the power couplings to emit theta radiation, then reverse the polarity if the refractive sheilding. Once you receive a frequency of 140.67, use a trichorder to screen ion particles to determine the compostion of the refractive index.

What do you think of my weight loss goals?

At 5'7" 145pounds is very healthy if you need to tone some areas just do some weight training with cardio 5 times a week and you'll get there without risking your health.

Need a song identifying?

I need to know a song/tune that was played quite a lot on UK TV doentaries and some other programmes. It sounds like a foreign language. I can't make out any words as such. It starts of quietly with a bit of a beat and gets louder. then some people start to sing what sounds like (bear with me on this) ooooaaaaooooh, aah aah eeh aahh oooh. I know it's really stupid but I don't know how else to put it. In the middle section it gets quite a dancey beat going before finishing off like the beginning. I'm sure I've left myself open for some major piss taking but as they say, "nothing ventured nothing gained" this song is from about 4 or 5 years ago or maybe more. It's not Adiemus or Hoppipola or Muse or Sigur Ros and It's not, Chicane "Salt Water" either. The tune is a lot slower and more laid back and sort of gives the feeling of the south sea's. Used a lot on doentaries with water and sea type stuff. Very sort of full sounding with several voices in harmony very relaxing and atmospheric. Very difficult to describe. Must have been a hit 4 or 5 years ago.

Y girls r not asking this question?

maybe its because they might get negative remarks from others about it and stuff...but personally i think it would do no harm to ask such question...why do you wanna be my guy friend?? lol

Sims 2 disc won't read...?

Go to Toshiba's site, download the driver for the CD drive and install it. If that doesn't fix it, the drive itself is bad. (A new drive is under $50 for CD/DVD read/write.)

Where would I be without you all?

I apreciate you too, and I am so happy I found Y answers. We support each other, most the time TV makes women out to be enemies to each other, and look at us supporting each other through our long journeys. I apreciate the support I get from all you ladies. I can't wait til we all get BFP's and we share so much with each other. Having babies a few months apart, we can share pics and everything. Then we can also share pregnancy stories when we do reach it.

To all pregnant women, How did you finally get a BFP! =)?

k seriously, I had a slightly tilted uterus and never knew, not even my doctor told me. but it made it harder to get pregnant. Went on a low carb diet, which encouraged my ovulation and since my cervix would face the front of my body during ovualation I guess thats why laying down never worked because when I got pregnant hi came in me from behind! Worked the first time!, low carb and from behind.

Looking for a scare tactics junky?

can someone plz tell me who were all the hosts of scare tactics. i know that season 1 was shannon whatever her last name is, but my hubby believes that it has always been tracy morgan. PLZ help.

How will Peterson and Jones-Drew do in 09?

Jones-Drew will have a more productive year now that he won't be splitting carries with Fred taylor. Peterson will put up godly numbers as usual.

How come when i dye my hair the grey will not get dyed?

I have this same problem. Grays are just resistant to color because they are less porous than the hair that has retained it's color. I have found the best hair dye to use to be Clairol's Nice & Easy. And you have to leave it on longer than if your hair isn't gray, I usually leave it on for 45 minutes. It also helps if you can go a little bit darker than your normal shade, not too dark, just a shade or two darker. Good Luck.

Am i on rebound, or should I go for this new guy?? plz help?

Hi. Be friends with him. Go to lunch/dinner/movies have fun. Get to know each other and in time if you both are meant to be, so be it. Peace any hidden meaning in this dream lol?

the fact that nothing has changes about the center at the start of your dream, shows that your life is stable, the rest of the dream does not matter

Which wide reciever should I start in Week 8?

My league has 3 WR slots available and I must choose between 4. The receivers are Chad Johnson @ Hou, Marques Colston vs. SD, Larry Fitzgerald @ Car, and Santana Moss @ Det. If you could help me pick 3 of these 4 backs that would be great, thanks!

Why does car CD player sometimes eject cds instead of playing them? Then sometimes play them?

We have a '96 Grand Cherokee. The CD player has gotten to where it, most of the time, won't play cds. Instead, it just kicks them back out. Every now and then it will play cd, but still, it will skip. It's very seldom that a cd will play without any problem. Is there anything that " I " can do to fix this problem?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bigger fall from grace: Tiger Woods or OJ Simpson?

OJ killed 2 people and is in prison, but Tiger is the "Athlete of the Decade" and perhaps the best ever in his sport.

When does a chicken tart to lay eggs?

Like when does it lay eggs and possibly what it looks like? such as body differential or colors or fatness something!

Are you looking forward to the Tooth Fairy bringing your Christmas Gift this year instead of Santa Claus?

I heard she's less strict on the list, this is a good thing. So I am looking forward to the Tooth Fairy bringing me my X-Mas gifts this year...Santa has scratched me off for the last 5 years. Apparently I was being watched and he knows EVERYTHING.

Did Jeff Hardy get fired?

no he did not get fired! he cant get fired from the WWE for being a little tipsy at an airport. i'd rather him be tipsy than to be high on drugs. he still has his job and he will still be WWE champ very soon. so all u people out there that dont dont want Jeff to be champ might as well get over it. it's gonna happen!!!!!!!!!! HARDY 4 LIFE!

I have All Time Low's new album, Nothing Personal, but I don't get why everyone says "Nothing Personal" always?

At first, they were just lyrics, and they decided to name the album that after the small remark created an outburst of insults between the band members and several other bands. Now, it's everywhere.

I need help, with stating this answer into simplier terms, can someone please help me!?

Marginal cost initially decreases as more bags are produced because the fixed costs are spread over more units and because the workers begin to specialize. After a certain point, however (4 bags), the marginal cost begins to increase because the benefits of specialization are exhausted and more workers begin to share a fixed production facility.

First priority mortgage.. real estate issues?

I was working with 1st priority and they told me i was getting a loan it was with underwriters, blah blah, now they are giving me a hard time, our credit scores are in the 600s and so are our co-signers. who should I go through, is their anyone better to try?

Are all death threats taken seriously? What can I do to protect myself?

Drama. My roommate and I had been fighting like cats and dogs. It even had gotten physical a couple weeks ago, where we were slapping each other. A little background: I'm 26. He's 22. We had been platonic friends for three years and decided to rent an apartment together. He was initially on the lease but because of a horrid credit score, didn't qualify, so my name was on there only. Okay, so in three years never anything as much as a kiss, and the night before we moved in we have . But that's not the clincher. I recently found out I'm 5 weeks pregnant. Haven't told him either. Well this morning, I sent him a pretty lengthy facebook message, just explaining how he hadn't been carrying his weight, but as his friend. He spends 6 nights a week over other people's house, wasn't contributing to groceries, utilities and other household items, so I called him on it. He didn't even read it, but called me and said, to tell him instead. I told him, I couldn't (I was on another call with the bank) so he texts me, saying he no longer liked me as a friend and was moving that week. So, I told him---fine, come get your stuff. I guess this made him madder, since I didn't beg him to reconsider---so we start text arguing and he then says he's going to "get me with no remorse", so I call the police, who come and say there was nothing they could do unless he was there being belligerent. So, the cops leave and 30 minutes lata, my roommate shows up...comes in....gets in my face and says, "I will KILL YOU BlTCH!!" and takes my cell phone and throws it against the wall. I run out the apartment and call the police....where they come back---and stay until he removes his things. He's gone now...and I am at a lost. How did me sending him a mild-toned, friendly letter on facebook (that he never read) turn into him threatening to kill me?

Saving money with my boiler?

Is it better to leave my boiler/baseboard hot water heat at a constant temp like 65 degrees at nite and around 60 during the day when I am not home better than just turning my thermostat right off during the day? I have heard different opinions that it takes more energy to heat the water back up to a certain temp than it would to leave it at a constant temp. To me it seems that shutting it off would be better because it isnt apt to run at all during the day when it needs to cutting back on gas/energy. Thanks!

Where can i get a pair of puma's that hayden christensen weras, the black grey yellow ones.?

I have a 2002 Chevy Impala 3.8 litre engine. When racing the engine at 4000 rpm's while in "park", the engine?

sounds like there is exhaust restriction and makes a POW-POW-POW-POW-POW sound. What could possibly be causing this? I need to fix the car this weekend so I will have reliable transportation to school. Please help! Thanks! :o)

Can a male bird take care of eggs by himself?

yes he can , we had 3 babies and mother died when they were 3 weeks old and the father took care of them himself. i now have 1 of the babies and my friend has the other 2. they are healthy, and 1 year old now

Should I drop Thomas Jones from my fantasy football team?

I don't know if I should drop Thomas Jones or not. If you think I should, who should I sign? (F.Y.I Adrian Peterson and Michael Turner are taken)

My 2 year old is better behaved than my roommates 10 year old How do I deal with it?

I have a 2 year old daughter turning 3 next month. She is very well behaved except a few traits she picked up at her dads house I am trying to brake her of. The only problems I have with her are she eats very little at dinner and is very picky about what she is fed. I also have problems with getting her to go to bed as well but she is 2 and was co sleeping with me for a long time. My roommates ten year old has no respect for women. He does not listen to his mom unless she has to yell at him. He does not listen to me and if I ask him to do something he glares at me or rolls his eyes and I know I have muttered under my breath about how he is lucky he is not my child or I would smack him for giving me that look. If we take him to the store he has to sit in the cart so we can try to make sure he does not run off because he has a habit of doing so. If he is told he can not take his DS into the store he says I will just sit in the cart and his mom relents. If his dad says he has to eat all of his dinner he goes and shows his plate to his mom and she always says 2 more bites then go give the rest to the cats. For the most part if one of the guys says something he does it immediatly. The girls it takes 3 times or yelling before he does something. He is the same way at school. Last year he walked all over his female teacher this year he is well behaved for his male teacher except when it comes to lining up for recess. I have heard she thinks I am not raising my daughter with enough discipline. She said this to my fiancee not me but her son acts more like a baby than my daughter does and it drives me nuts. Soon we are supposed to sit down and discuss getting a bigger place and what if any issues people have with it and I don't know how to approach this situation because i don't know if I can deal with her son continuing to act like this without being disciplined properly for a ten year old.

I heard that clic and vintage cars in Europe have to be converted to run on propane or natural gas yes/no?

propane is less efficient than regular gas and would cause more pollution so i doubt it!! older cars needed leaded gas so i think they would need to be converted to use unleaded fuel,,,

Why won't my wife sleep with me?

You really need to talk to your wife about this. Not having in a marriage is not a good sign. She could be cheating, but then that is why you need to talk to her. You need to let her know how you feel. It is never good to have this in a marriage. This is why a lot of people start cheating in a marriage because of lack of attention, , stimulation, etc. You two just really need to sit down and have a serious talk, maybe even get a marriage counselor. I really hope that things turn around for you. is a huge thing in marriages, never undermine it. It is what brings the two of you together emotionally and physically. A good life in marriage is healthy, a bad one...not so healthy. So yes, just talk to her and hopefully you guys can see what is happening between the two of you.

How would yall feel if a judge posted your minors childrens names in news paper without your concent?

I would say that your dispute lies with the newspaper and not the judge, unless the judge wrote the news item himself, which is unlikely.

I'm getting so sick of this...?

I don't know what to do. I'm constantly stressing about food, what I'm going to eat in two hours, planning days and activities around planning for food. I counted calories for about 4 months (1000 calories) and lost 30 pounds. Now, I'm 5'6 & 126, and am always I eat. But then I'll feel so guilty for eating...and get so depressed when I'm hungry again & have to eat. I lie about what I've eaten & always have to get reurance from people that I'm not eating to much...& they usually just say "stop being ridiculous". I don't know how to get over this problem...counting calories, feeling guilty, feeling sad about eating, and the fact that if i do eat, i'll probably gain weight...and obsessing over the scale-I weigh myself after meals. At the moment, I'm at the brink of tears just thinking about what I've eaten today. Please, please help.

Can anyone tell me from where i can download the jackal soundtrack?

the one where bruce willis shoots two people in the house and plays it in the player in the also comes in many other occions in the movie and its not on the official ost disc ..i've checked torrentz,limewire etc.. but no luck..

Am i allowed to bring a can of deodorant on a plane?

You cant take an aerosol can into the cabin with you. You can put it in your checked luggage though. And the 100ml rule doesnt apply to checked luggage so it will be fine.

Ozone Layer Depletion - Is It Because Man Made or Government Made or Natural Phenomenon ?

Ozone layer depletion is because of man made envirournment spoil without noticed by Government policy. Nature disaster wchich is inevitable the phenomina can happen at any point of life. but not human made.

Does the heavy smoke from burning tires plug the holes in the ozone layer?

Theoretically yes! Why have I never thought of this? If we all just burn out tires our planet should be able to last thousands if not millions of years longer than we had anticipated. Maybe just maybe we could shoot some into the sun in order to make it burn for longer. At this rate we could live indefinitely.

Who do u think will win superbowl 42?

i am calling the Giants beat the Pats with a last second TD p from Eli, to Burres, with 35 seconds left to go, giving the giants the win 17-14. with 29 seconds left on the clock, im gonna bet that Brady throws 3 desperation throws downfield to Moss, none of them completed. what do u think is going 2 happen?

Do you recommend me to get genius?(stolen music)?

Well, I'm not really sure what you're asking, but I'm guessing you're asking if Genius will still work. Just set up an account (you don't need to buy anything, just put a credit card on it) & Genius will even work with the stolen music. Just make sure it has the artist, cd, & genre correct to make sure genius works properly.

Friday, August 12, 2011

What to do when the possibilities are endless?

I have opportunities that are endless right now. My husband and I are on the verge of divorce, he seems to think his mood swings are perfectly ok, but mine are the cause of all the woe in the world... Anyway, I have acreage, health, a healthy son, summers off, limited cash, and a wrestless spirit. I want to get on with life but don't know what direction to take. My husband has me waiting until Sept for him to go to counselling, I don't have 100% faith that he will even go, and he wants to buy a house, off the property then. This all sounds like a mishmash of questions because I am confused. I have meditated on this often but it always comes down to leaving him, I can't, this is my home and he won't leave until Sept. What do I do in the mean time? He wants to go on a fishing trip next week with me and our son. I'm sure this is his way of trying to make things better but he never seems to get the point, it's about connection. How do I connect to someone who is "success" driven?

What is your bedtime routine for 3-5 month old baby?

at 3 months i started introducing my son to cereal. it says for babies who sit up but ur best luck is to pump the last feeding and bottle feed her and mix just a lil cereal in to the bottle n just bairly like bairly slice the nipple just enough so the cereal and milk can get through! SHe should sleep a lil longer it will stick to her tummy n keep her full! My son slept 5 hours a night! now he's on stage 2 foods at 6 months and sleeps 6-9 hours a night!

I got this girls number over facebook. now what?

Continue to talk on facebook. Ask all the question you would like to have answers to that you are too shy to ask in person or on the phone. After awhile you should feel a little more comfortable talking with her and even feel like you really know her well enough to go a step further. The phone. Take it slow and it will come to you if it is meant to be.

Who made the song Steal Away?

I know Johnny Taylor and someone with the last name Hughes made it, but I'm pretty sure someone else made it also. It's an old R and B song.

�Have you bathed nude in the sea at night?

Some people are wary of this. I have done it and think it's one of those experiences that liberate you of your fears for at least three seconds. Do you recommend it? Have you done it? Would you do it again? Where did you do it? Alone or accompanied?

Im completely heartbroken...?

Yes I've been there with my ex wife.I tried to help her for a year an a half until I could not take it anymore. Bipolar- was so hard to see her change and not know who I am....what helped me was I found the most wonderful gal for me to realize that there is so much life left for me to enjoy.I know its hard.I too had 2 kids that I had to take care of...hang in there and plz talk to a therapist ...for your sake and your daughter.

The Guinea Pig that [versed] The Hamster - Who will I get?

The guinea pig is definitely great for eating vegetable pieces and stuff that you would normally toss out and I eat lots of vegetables so I very rarely used hamster food. The panda bear and black bear hamsters are definitely friendly and playfull. the guinea pigs need more food and because they are bigger they need a bigger cage. Guinea pigs smell a lot more! Hamsters are definitely easier for travelling with cuz they are smaller. Guinea pigs are noisy when their hungry or mad. If u are kinda lazy sometimes and want to sneak into your room to leave your school stuff there without feeding/watering/petting the guine pig will SQUEAL! Hamsters don't really make noises except for their hamster wheel at night (you can remove it or there is a great article on reversing a hamsters sleep cycle on yahoo) but when their cleaning themselves they will make this quiet little squeak that really cool. I have had 3 guinea pigs and 3 hamsters. I just got my black bear hamster yesterday! I have to say hamsters are definitely better. And for the mom thing, tell her to give u one chance to prove that you can be responsible about an animal and say if it becomes a problem to schoolwork or you fall behind on taking care of it etc.. That you will find another home for them. Hope that article helps. P.S. If you don't bathe a guinea pig about every month they get smelly. You also have to clip their nails. Hamsters nails don't really grow and they clean themselves!!!

HELP!!!!I dropped my iPhone in the toilet! :( PLEASE HELP!!!!!?

I really need you help. I dropped my iPhone in the toilet and it still worked after I ran it under the tap. Then I wiped it with a cloth and afterwards I put alcohol on the cloth and wiped the iPhone. It won`t turn on anymore so I charged it, it took a while for the apple logo to show up, I had to press ALL the ons and the logo would keep on reappearing and disappearing. Then it did work but there was no sound unless I used headphones. And it said I can't make or receive calls. I can't connect to the internet and this message keeps coming up "This device is not for the iPhone and would you wish to turn on airplane mode and you can't make calls or something like that you know?" I don't really remember. And the worst thing is whenever I would take the charger off it would completely turn off and it would turn on again when I plug it. I plugged it on I guess 3 or 4 times. I know what a stupid thing to do. But after that I read some stuff on the internet about iPhones being dropped in the toilet so I just took the sim off the phone and put it in a bowl of rice, I did the same thing to the sim, in the same bowl as the iPhone. I'm gonna wait for 48 hours maximum but what do you guys think? Does it have a chance to recover, now the main problem that I have is the part where it turns off whenever I unplug it. I mean there's no point in me having the phone if I'm gonna have to plug it just to work all time. Will my phone recover? I really really need your help. I'm freaking out :(

How can I get Episode 21 of Monty Python's Flying Circus?

It includes the sketch with John Cleese as Ludwig Van Beethoven. I have Googled, and looked on Amazon and tried various other searches but the compliations available don't include this sketch. I'd like to get hold of it if possible. I'd also like to know which episode included a cartoon of a man and a woman in Edwardian dress with the woman saying 'would you mind if I made a complete and utter fool of myself' and the man saying 'do, Beatrice, do'. And the Cardinal Richlieu court scene...Any ideas? Thanks.

Baby bonus question in australia?

Hi mate. I just rang centrelink when i got home from hospital and answered all there questions and also provide them with the appropriate paperwork and i recieved the payment about a month after my son was born. It has nothing to do with your tax, unless your parnter and you earn over $150k a year. You also must know that you will not recieve the payment as a $5000 one off payment anymore, from january 2009 the payments have been changed to fortnighty payments for 6 months. So a little over 400 a fortnight. goodluck and take care xxx

Poem: critique, comment, what do you think?

I like the overall feel, but I wonder about the anachronisms like "hath" and "thy." If you're going to use archaic terms anywhere in the poem then you need to be consistent. You can't follow up on "thy heart" with "the comet you ploy." It would have to be "the comet thou ployest." Also, "ploy" isn't a verb unless you're in Surinam. It's a good start though.

How can I stop undereating?

Five months ago I decided I wanted to lose weight, and generally become healthier and fitter. So far I've lost around 29lbs, however in the last two weeks I can't seem to manage to eat more than 600 calories a day. I know this isn't good, originally I would eat 1200-1500 to lose weight steadily and hit the gym twice a week. In this last two weeks of under eating I've lost 6lbs.. again that can't be doing me any good, but I just can't seem to stomach the food, I try to eat as much as I can but I feel unwell and bloated almost instantly after eating anything. I eat a pretty good diet generally.. complex carbs lean meat etc. Part of me wants to go eat something now to increase my calories for the day but I just don't feel hungry, and if I eat now when I don't feel hungry won't that just mean I'm overeating and will gain weight? HELP!

What's a deal breaker for you? (in dating someone)?

A guy who doesn't use deodorant or shows up to a date wearing clothes with holes/ stains...that is the living end for me! EWWw!

Should religion be kept out of school?

well lets see if you take out religion then isn't that doing exactly what atheists claim Christians are doing? Not letting people make up their own minds and know all about religion and others beliefs.

A complete list of supplies for a new dog owner?

I would add grooming spray, pet wipes and spare Id tags to the list as well as a book on training and your dogs specific breed. From experience, I have learned that it is also important to research different pet foods to determine which is the best one for them in terms of nutrients and quality of ingredients (I feed my dogs Nutro, you can look into it if you would like more info by clicking the link) . You would also benefit from researching vets in your area to choose one that will care for your pet the best. I hope this helps! good luck with your new pet

Is biking/walking to work realistic in your life?

I would love to bike, but I have to drive 30min on the interstate. Hopefully, things will be more biker-friendly when I move late summer.

Hyundai Coupe 05' Dashboard.?

Yes it is do-able on most cars if you get the right bulbs/leds for the job - I think red looks better in mine but it is a red coupe

Is Central world plazza in bangkok near MBK shopping center?

yes, its about 10-15 minute walk on the skywalk. I did it once. haha Easy way to do it, is to walk to Siam Discovery, walk through the mall to the back and it exits towards Central World Plaza. You can take the skytrain to Siam square but it is still another 5 minute or more walk to the walkway to Central World Plaza.

Four managers that have won the english league with two different clubs are:

Good answer (technically not a question). I always thought there were only 3, as there is no mention of the feat being achieved before Herbert Chapman.

Where can I get good FUGGs?

fake ugg australia uggs might be expensive still. you can buy real uggs by a different brand for cheaper than fake uggs. bearpaw, emu, lamo, rocket dog, and beach feet are cheaper than the UGG brand and fake UGGs. i have beach feet. you can find them at also try other mall stores and marshalls and you might even be able to find the ugg australia brand at marshalls for cheaper.

What is eerily similar today to the days leading up to the Great Depression?

All true. Time to get on with the business of undoing the damage done, and prosecuting anyone who was criminally responsible. ∠°)

Why do conservatives continue to lie about Chavez?

I for one see Chavez as a dangerous leader. Rather than engage in diplomacy, or bi-or-multilateral agreements, he spews hateful rhetoric. His program of government takeover of key industries will bring his government, and unfortunately, his people down. People around the world should keep an eye on this maniac.

Valentine's day gift basket for my boyfriend?

every valentines day i make my boyfriend a "basket" (i use either gift bags, or since every valentines day we always get a nice room at at hotel resort i get there early and lay it out over the table, but gift bags are fine!) of his favorite things; candy, snacks, drinks, dvds, books, clothes, video games, picture of us, random valentines stuff, and anything he's been talking about that he needs or wants. he loves it!

What graphic driver should i put in my PC?

It's not your driver, it's that your graphics is rubbish integrated stuff. Not good. You will need a dedicated graphics card.

Who would win this Survivor Series Elimination Match?

IMO, Team Canada because X Pac was never that good to me.....neither was Nash. And Nash has the knee problems. Then there is Scott "the drunk" Hall....well that says it all. So you have DX vs. Team Canada. 2 on 5. Well they take out Lance Storm. And then they will probably take out Owen next, since he never got his chance to shine. Then Benoit and Jericho take out HHH. HBK takes out Benoit. Then he takes out Jericho. Then Bret comes in and attacks HBK, then locks on the Sharpshooter. Winners: Team Canada.

Hi, go to a social group since april 2007 and i need help.I doodled on my casual friend Lacey's photograph and

All those people can't be wrong. It sounds like what you think is harmless pranks, or funny, isn't to them. I suggest you take a look at what you are doing and decide if you want to go through life trying to explain your actions.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What do you think of this from a sixteen year old? I am wondering how to guide her?

I think she is a talented writer. Her poem is vividly moving and beautiful. Despite the morbidity, coming to terms with death is a life-affirming act. If you want to guide her, perhaps you should encourage her writing and accept her as she is. If she writes this well at 16, she will be amazing if she keeps at it and grows! It sounds like she has profound depth and creativity.

Spyware Help!?

Alright, can anyone recommend a good freeware program to get spyware off my system? Running windows xp. Thanks.

The Economist: Nicaragua, Libia and Syria more peaceful than USA?

When you have an agenda, as the economist does, you can cook the numbers to get the data you desire. Libya and Syria lack the means to project violence on other countries, so they don't rate very low on the list. If they had the means, you better believe they would do it. In addition, I guess the economist doesn't consider the state of human rights as being part of a peace index. Try bad mouthing ad in Syria, or Qaddafi in Libya, the outcome will not be very peaceful.

Have you seen Shelton Benjamin's new titan-tron theme?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Dinner Dilema.... Allergies, dislikes and health risks.?

Here's something all can eat and enjoy...Hamburger Vegetable Cerole: In lightly ered cerole dish, combine 1/2 pound good lean ground beef, 1 can Veg-all brand ( or other) mixed vegetables, 1 small diced onion, 1 med. diced potato, a small can of Hunt's ( or other) tomato sauce or diced seasoned tomatoes and a boullion cube dissolved in 1/2 cup hot water. Bake covered @ 350 for about 45 mins., uncover and finish for 5 to 10 mins. Serve.

A few questions about new laptop I'm going to order?

personally, i would have went with the 32 bit vista OS. as far as i know, there isn't any conflicts with driver/software. and 4 gb's of ram is awesome. that should be good to run anything you want. shouldn't need to upgrade it at all. and id ont' know about that integrated creative sound blaster. like i said, it will play any game you want it too. dont' use a laptop, so i can't recommend a sleeve. and i dont' know if that cooling pad will work or not, i use desktops, alot more powerful and easier to use. if you need any more help, email or IM me at

Football alternative?

tv couple years age there was a trial for a new type of football it was the same as the game in starship troopers and i cant remember what they called it anyhelp would be greatly appreciated

One person is a trooper and how many troopers make up a troop?

There seems to be a semantic issue here. How does the military differentiate between the words "trooper", "troop" and "troops".

Can I sue a school for Staph? Also can I sue for...?

Okay, in the year of 2008, my eighth grade year, I was 15. I had obtained Staph Aureous from my school from the gym floor, the doctor announced it and there was evidence of this. During the time I had the Staph infection, it had developed into Bacterial endocarditis, and Aseptic Mennigitis. At this point I was announced to having a 80% chance of dying, so I had to under go heart surgery on June 12th of 2008. Im now placed on blood thinners all my life (Changed my life forever). The school never paid one dime towards the surgery, nor the bills. Can I sue them for the coming into contact with a Staph infection on a school floor? Also, due to the fact of me being on blood thinners, I get colder alot easier. During winter of 2011 the school was maintained at a 40-65 degree temperature thru out the school, they refused to turn the boiler on because "it was broken" but it was announced that they wanted to save money due to the fact of it being a private school. IF my hands and feet became numb during this "attempt to save money" because of the temperature, can I sue for that? Please help? I have no clue on the basis of "suing" a school, so please dont laugh at the information Ive given for some of it might not even be needed... I just want to know if I can get anything out of all the stuff Ive went thru in this school.

How can I deter a friend from drinking and driving?

Try telling him that you won't hesitate to call the cops on him because you don't want him to hurt himself or anyone else.

What's the Lord of the Rings Conquest release date?

On Gamespot and all the other places it says January 13 I believe. Yet it says for Playstation 3 November 23 on Gamespot. Does the Ps3 version come out earlier or is this one of Gamespots many typos?

Anyone Have a Vaillant boiler?

I need help on what to do when it says F25 (fault 25) on a vaillant boiler. If you know please tell me because it isnt heating!

10 reasons the Pict's are not celtic but SCYTHIAN?

Interesting. I must have some Pictish in my Scottish lines, which would imply some Scythian ancestry if you are correct.

We are about to get 2 finches, can anyone give me advice and help me out pleaseeeeeeeee????

my husband's friend and his wife are getting divorced. and they offered us their pet birds. we are usually dog people, but branching out. i love all animals and this is going to be very interesting for me. but i do need alot of advice. what can i expect? how do i care for them? do they need anything special? how do they play? do they play? lol. where should i keep them? i know away from the kitchen and all that but what about like in the living room in the corner between two windows? please help me out guys. these are finches that we are getting. what foods do they like? what foods can they not handle? i need to know things like this and any other advice you can give me. thank you.

I am 20yrs old male and having hair fall since past 1yr..will my hair fall stop?

Do you have any pictures of your maternal grandfather? Your hair pattern is inherited from him. So if his hair stopped falling, yours is likely to do the same. If he was cueball, genetics aren't looking favorably upon you.

Why? Racial disparity: All active ethics probes focus on black lawmakers?

Because blacks still think that the white man owes them, but really they are just using and abusing that theory...I say we never owed them anything. We might of forced them over on boats for slavery, but once they were freed after the war, guess what? None of them got on that boat they came to America on and went back home, so we don't owe them anything. They chose to stay in America on their own. When it comes to crime, it's usually because they were raised in "the hood" with no strict morals or discipline...

I Like This Guy But Im a Twin And He Can Hardly Tell Us Apart, What Do I Do?

he is in my homeroom and my sister isn't but thatz the only period i have with him that my sister isn't in... and i think he likez my friend :\

If I moved to Iraq (for example) and tried to celebrate Christmas...?

and brought all my family and friends and tried to get them to celebrate too and then tried and tell the Iraqis that they aren't allowed to celebrate their holidays in the traditional ways that they celebrate, would I be stoned to death? Just a question.

I need emo female dog names?

or named after cool bands songs like bullet for my valentine korn slipknot blessthefall escape the fate alesana or aiden

McCain was married when he met his current wife Cindy, so?

Yeah! Why would they? If the Republicans would just drop their stances against gay marriage and a couple of more things that have nothing to do with governing this country, then they would have my loyal support. But it won't happen, so my support for them is sporadic at best.

Ultimate goal US marshal?

for better chances of getting in would it be : military 4 years, degree in the military, state trooper 8 years, deputy federal marshal and then marshal, or is 4 years military then state trooper for 20 years a better choice?

Was this a decent trade for me?

you have too many RBs! if i were you i would trade a RB for maybe a TE since you dont have a backup. i might trade maybe grant or johnson for a TE, maybe gore if you really wanted to.

Any ideas for appetizers that can be served cold or at room temp. for a wedding reception....?

were getting married on October 11th and we have a hot food bar but I want some appetizers as well, and since our budget is nearly depleted I thought I would make them myself, so far I've come up with bbq meat and sweet n sour meat with dipping sauces that compliment ~ I found a cheese/ham spread recipe that sounds pretty good served with crackers ~ but I cant think of anything else I dont want to have too many ~ the main dinner consists of fried chicken and mac n cheese and red beans and rice and greens and potato salad and candied yams and mixed veggies and corn bread {geez I never realized that's alot of food!!!} ~ then I plan on making a fruit platter and a veggie platter plus a chinese chicken tofu salad {yummy!} and some spaghetti ~ do you think that's enough....? I just want to make sure there's enough food, I'm expecting about 120 to 140 people that's including children ~ Thank you {any other October brides to be out there that are as nervous as me......!}

What is Brett Favre's career record/stats in a dome?

With the news of Favre's signing with the Vikings, I've been searching for somewhere that shows his career stats and record playing in a dome. I know that the numbers are pretty bad but I was hoping someone had the specific numbers...

Using a break on a fixed gear road bike or a single speed bike?

theres a lot of hills where i live but i wanna buy a fixed gear road bike as an alternative cos my work to home is close. **How do i slowdown on a hill when Im using a fixed gear road bike with breaks.. can i stop pedalling to slow down or use the break to slowdown? Or how do i slow down at all w/o breaks on a fixie do i skid or stop pedaling the break?

Does anyone know where I can get some thigh high converses?

Gwen Stafani wears some in the hollaback girl video and I was wondering where I could actually BUY some..!

I need some history essay help please!?

So I have to write a essay about either the Aztec or Mayan empires. I have to write the paper about 4 before and after effects that happened when the Spanish came to invade them. Example: before the Spanish they both worshiped the sun god and were polythilistic but after the Spanish they converted to Christianity. I need more please! It would really help a lot because i have no idea what to write about!

Looking for a good manga series?

I've finished reading all my favorites, and I'm on the lookout for new ones. Can anyone recommend one? I liked Yotsuba&!, Hana Kimi, Cheeky Angel, Azumanga Daioh, and Bleach. Please recommend a series that's not too gory, or has any erm, "adult content". Well, something that a 13 year old read. Also, PLEASE NO NARUTO!

Should i keep pursuing her?;_ylt=AoKqasZlTunccDOHbseyLH_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090530203245AA69U0d

Im planning on getting rid of my ouiji board?! help..?

The Ouija board can be dangerous to experiment with and its wise of you to consider disposing of it. Some consider it a bad idea to burn it as it could release any such spirits that may be attached to it. I would either recommend burying it somewhere away from your home or possibly breaking it in two and then burying it out and away some where. Its not a good idea to give it to anyone or to put it in the garbage as it could be found again then reused.Prior to doing anything though I would say a prayer of protection. I wont hurt to do this. Take care.

Is this dress nice or not?

I don't think it will be suitable for a date, but it is a great dress for clubbing and dancing. Plus you'll look really hot with some high heels.

Do U wait 2 or 3 days or longer 2 give best answer?

I give best answer in 8 hrs. cause it seems that it is always the same people on here answering ques. so why wait the 2 or 3 days?

Is this a good poem? Do you understand it? Please rate?

this poem lacks a soul.......its like some words put together to form some meaning...but nevertheless its a good effort......keep working hard you have the potential and one more thing add your work on sites like to get reviews/help from some poets.

Do anyone thinks the movie frog princess got some of its inspiration from other movies?

I just saw the movie the frog princess and it was brilliant. But I just notice that a lot of the characters reminded me of other nostalgic cartoon movies. Like louis the alligator reminded me of the singing gator from all dogs go to heaven and dr fusilier reminded me of the evil scientist from were back a dinosaur story. I wonder if anyone agrees.


I agree. Your PC has become infected with a malware program. Whatever you do, don't delete any of the files that this program suggests. It is very likely that they are all programs your PC needs! I had to restore back to the day before to fix this when it happened to me.

Lupe Fiasco: Dumb It Down?

i think that Lupe Fiasco is one of the best rappers who uses the best poetical content in his lyrics. his writing always has a purpose, a story to tell... a moral.. i love him thanks for putting his lyrics on here and showing support to a fantastic and intelligent mind

IPod Questions Again!?

Hello Everyone, I live in lebanon and when people purshase the iPhone They pay 900$ Cuz it's unlocked and works with lebanese SIM Card And services. So A Friend Of Mine Updated The iPhone And It Locked It Self And Can't READ SIM So She Went I Fixed It In A Cellphone Shop In Lebanon. So I'm Geting A Shiny iPod Touch 3rg Generation For Christmas So IF future updates came and i updated them by downloading them rapidshare... (not buying them) would it be a problem! or would it work fine - this question is iPod Touch User (1,2,3 gen) who exeprienced this. please i need an answer to see if i can update it for free!

Why do exotic cars use Alcantara?

Alright I'm a huge car fanatic, but I've never been able to figure this out. Maybach, Lamborghini... you name it, a ton of exotic car companies use Alcantara for their upholstery. But why would they use this material instead of suede? Alcantara is much more prone to wear than Suede, so I just don't understand why they use this fabric... any thoughts???

What's a FAIR TRADE! Trying to trade for Willis McGahee! Who should I give away!?

first you dont need mcgahee inless you start 4 rbs but if you do possibly chambers straight up or burress straight up.

PLEASE HELP. My mom has bipolar disorder and refuses to get help.?

My condolences to you, for it sounds as if you have been living in a Hell for your entire life. I wish that you had spoken up to your teachers or counselors about this, as I feel you would have been taken from the home and placed into a safer environment. Your mom sounds as if she has more going on than Bi-polar mental health. Possibly even Schizophrenia? Does she use drugs? Luckily, you are 18, and can leave the house. Please do this, as it is your only salvation. You cannot be your mothers slave. Go live life as it is meant to be. Your mom will get the help she needs when she is ready.

Do you think Ann Arbor sucks?

Don't you have anything better to do? And for the note, I feel the same way about that immigrant infested cesspool known as Miami. If you don't like Ann Arbor, and don't like Liberals, than keep your distance. I'm sure everyone who lives there may feel the same about you.

Are volcano's under the sea actually the reason why the polar ice caps are melting?

The impact of under-sea volcanoes on the melting ice-caps is somewhat less than the impact of a mosquito's phart on a hurricane.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is Krishnamurti a good author to read?

I heard he is one of the best starting points for self-realization/exploration type stuff. But i don't want to end up in some Krishna New Age Cult.

feeding one month old?

My one month old baby will nurse and completly empty my and then a few moments later act like she is starving. I know she is getting enough because she has plenty of wet and soiled diapers and she is gaining weight. However it seems she is not getting satisfied, I know she likes to suckle so I try to giver her a pacifier but she is not intrested. Has anyone had this experience? I am drinking plenty of water and eating very healthy I also drink fenugreek tea to help with lacation. Last night I was up until 6am nursing around the clock and she would fall asleep then wake up a few moments later screaming. I am taking her to the Doctor next week just wanted to know if any Moms out there had something similar and what did you do. Thanks!!

What good will it do to force banks to lend money to borrowers incapable of paying the loans?

I think you nailed it - Congress is filled with idiots. Lending is a two way street. Lending to losers doesn't work (as you pointed out), so banks are not going to do that again (at least for a while). They need to find borrowers who have the ability to pay, but with this economy no one wants to borrow to buy anything since they could be losing their job any day.

Poll: Pop Tarts or Toaster Strudels?

Neither really. Both are loaded with sugar and give me head aches. I'll go with Toaster Strudels since you can leave off the frosting if you want.

Does this keep you reading? What do you think..?

I don't have the time to read all of it, but I read half of the prologue. Absolutely yes. Your description is marvelous!

Do you believe that a plane hit the pentagon on September 11, 2001?

Terrorists hit the Pentagon in virginia. The government wouldn't kill their own on American soil like this. I saw the big hole in the Pentagon and my dad was a few miles from arlington in DC. How did united 93 get control of the plane in PA? It flew over airspace that is never traveled upon. My grandmother lives in Scottdale only miles from its crash site. That was the first commercial plane she'd seen over that town.

Is it possible for a girl (who is my best friend) who only likes me as a friend to fall for me later on?

you never know what is round the corner may be one day there is a chance to be more than friends but keep your friendship at moment.

Me and My girlfriend broke up?

This is a revision of a previous question.. In summary, we met, talked, dated 2 weeks later, roke up because we rushe into things, got back together a month later, dated 4 nonstop loving and happy months, never fought, always laughed, always smiled, no bad at all, she made life more than just worth living, i gave up friends, a scholarship, and a few other things just so i could be home with her. I told her id support aything she did with my own money, help her in anyway, but our relationship was based on two main things : Love and Honesty. I was honest about everything except one thing. I lied to her when we first got together, I told her id never gotten far with another woman. Well, i cant handle lying. Im not a liar, im bad at it, I cant stand doing it, i just diddnt want her to think differently of me. I would have told her when things were great but i thought that would ruin things between us. She was an incredible girlfriend, gorgeous, sweet, funny, loving, and affectionate above all else. I was this as a boyfriend for 4 months, then the lies started to sink in. We had 3 months in, took eachothers virginity ( when i said i hadent been with another girl, i wasent lying, i was still a virgin when we did it... but i had gotten alot father than i told her ) and went along having ALOT of . Everytime we did it though, i thought about the lie. it kinda ruined it for me, but i couldnt just tell her. She would have been devestated. So after four months, I started getting pissed off at myself. I diddnt like myself for lying, and she noticed something was wrong. She tried to ask me what was up, and i just shrugge it off. said nothing muffin, and went on. Then i had some family problems. Never told her about those. They were killing me on the inside, but i was like "screw that, i dont want her to have to be sad over my problems" well unfortunately thats part of a relationship. She used to glow when i came, used to jump up run and kiss me. After i starte getting pissy with her, she became distant. She thought she had done something wrong. I tried to reure her, but nothing helped, she smiled at me and tried to be happy, but she really wasent. She gradually lost all feeling torward me physically, her kisses were limp, her hugs limp, she diddnt want anymore. isnt the deal, i dont care about it, but she LOVED it. Thats what told me things were really bad. She even stopped smiling at me eventually, 8 months into the relationship, she stopped telling me non stop that she loved me, stopped kissing me alot, stopped being by my side when we were together. Then I finally told her, i got it off my chest, but after the whole month of fighting with her, she was already angry and that blew everything out of proportion. She freaked out, dumped me and went on. Well its been 2-3 weeks, and here i am, still in love with her, still hung up over the whole thing, i cant go 6 hours without talking to her, and she always replies and talks back. but she does it VERY coldly. no more jokes, no more humor or fun, she just shrugs off any humor i put in. she is very cold torward me, but tells me we need to start completely over, i lied to her and made the love we had into a joke.. thats not true i really loved her. I just diddnt wanna hurt her, or ruin thngs between us. She told me everything shed done, and expected me to tell her. Trust and love was the foundation of our relationship, and trust was taken away, so she believes that my love was tainted too. I need to show her i love her, show her i care. She just wants to be friends, but her friends tell me she still loves me and talks about me. How do i go about getting back with her? I call all the time and try to talk to her, but shes always busy, or shes always stone cold to me. Help? I love her, ive been sick since she left, and i cant eat or sleep right anymore. someone give me some advice or something to make things between me and her better......

Blue screen of death: Uae16.sys?

u jus go to BIOS(press del on after restart and go to cpu and periperals and change the clock ratio to 2 tis will surely work

Peavy for Manny Ramirez?

I really like peavy. if i were in your place i might try to lowball the other first. send out a feeler offer of hudson straight up, or maybe hudson+melky or something. try to begin the trade process by identifying the best package you would offer for a given player/package and then take it down a couple steps in value. that way you can negotiate a bit and try to get a better deal and protect more talent than you would initially.

Celtic fans do you think we should put?

5 Stars on our shirts.4 representing our 42 Scottish titles and BIG 'fukc off cracker' to represent our triumph of being champions of Europe? .

PSAT help--> Say you have absolutely no idea on a question?

Say you have absolutely no idea on a question, would it be better to take a random guess and risk losing points or to leave it blank and not lose any points???

What's the best name?

I like Jessica Rae, and Grace Elizabeth not a fan of Elisabeth. I like both boy names, Rylan is unique.

Do you think this bloke fancies me?

A bloke I know works down the other end of the corridor in I.T. He's quite 'a lad' - likes to drink a lot. We have really hit it off and often meet on the way into work and chat. Ever since I've started talking to him, he now says he's not doing much at the weekend and now just going to relax. It seems a sudden transformation to how he normally lives. He's quite nice to talk to, but suddenly he seems to want to clean up his act and I wonder why he's behaving this way?

If the T20 series would be conducted between minnows like Australia, Bangladesh, and Zimbabwe then whowill win?

Your a true d/brain Bill.The only reason some teams have had the occasional win against us in the last few years is because we have had one of the biggest player turnovers you will ever see in a short period of time.Even a blind person can see that when you lose 5 or 6 stars in just a few years,your not going to perform to the same level,but if you open your eyes you will see it hasn't taken long to rebuild after a quick exodus of players like,Hayden,Langer,Gilchrist,Lee,Mcgrath… you like me to keep going"You are a one eyed fool who is simply fuming over our total dominance of the last 12 or 13 years of cricket in every form of the game.We have made all teams look like Minnows.Bye the way,you are making a fool of yourself saying our 20/20 isn't up to scratch,have a look at every online booker on this planet and see who is favourite to win the upcoming 20/20 world cup,it makes your comments seem even more foolish,and once this team has had a few years together to gell and finaly add a fit shaun tait to our test squad bowling inswingers at mid to high 150 klms,we will be back where we belong,DESTROYING ALL NATIONS,IT'S SIMPLY OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

What do Nick's judgments reveal about his character in the novel "The Great Gatsby?"?

He's torn between the life he's been raised to expect and the life he could have if he threw away all those expectations.

Will these vitamins make my hair long and beautiful?

well your best bet is prenatal vitamins pregnant women take. that will make your hair and nails as good as theyll get

How do i rephrase this sentence?

I'm writing a chemistry lab report. The law of conservation of matter was shown in the lab but it wasn't a new term. How do i say that it was brought up again in this lab and sound smart. here's what i have for now but it's a wierd sentence "the law of conservstion of matter was re-established in this lab" re-established means brought up again right?

THE HURT TRIANGLE! All of 3..we need advice and help!?

First of all this entire thing seems stupid a guy far away is never the answer. Any way i think you should not blame your self because it is in no way your fault and you have done nothing to provoke it. So just trust me on this it's not your fault forget about it and let them work it out. You don't want to get in the middle of it you seem to be safe as it is so just stay where you are and don't get further involved in the triangle of bullshit.

Crossword Puzzles; are they harder or easier than numbers puzzles like Sudoko etc?

Crossword puzzles are more fun and taxing on the brain. Cryptic puzzles are the best ones to do rather than general knowledge ones. You can study and solve a cryptic clue but regarding a general knowledge question, you either know the answer or you don't.

Didn't we all already die from the hole in the ozone? Why should we fear global warming?

Did the hole in the ozone allow the heat to escape causing the alarmist to cry 'global cooling' in 1970s?

Income 50k have aculated about 40k t0 invest.they may purchase a Condo for 100k and 10k for downpayment.?

here are is a list of investments the condo market value 5% bonds=5% stock yeild 8%. Savings account annual yeild 3% high growth stock expected annual increase in market vaule = 10%; expected dividend yield =0. 1) Calculate the after-tax yeilds on the foregoing investments, uming they have a 28% marginal tax rate (based on public law 108-27) the jobs and growth tax reconciliction act of 2003

Cheetah print uggs??

where can i find cheetah print uggs?? i dont want the fake ones, i want them to actually be the ugg brand, but i want the animal print ones...does anyone know where i can find them?? i know they have kids sizes at nordstroms, but i need women sizes...thanx for the help!!

Will this graphics cad work with World of Warcraft?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Does anyone remember this Jewish short story about a matchmaker ("The Magic Barrel" by Bernard Malamud)?

How many times do I have to say this what did moses say about magic and spirit ism in the old law.Jews live up to be Gods chosen people if that's possible.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why do people like UGGS?

SERIOUSLY! UGGS R SO FREAKIN' UGLY AND PLAIN! who wants that? who i ask you who!? y the he(( do ppl like them so much?! i c them evrywher! GEEZ!

What makes a person want to create a computer virus?

Of all the things that people could do, why is creating a virus that sends people into a panic and causes widespread havoc on that list of things? Recently, there was a new virus that can actually be spread through USB flash drives, and steals pwords (or something close to that). What could possibly posses a person to make something that has the potential to mess up thousands of computers and costing the computer owners money? Its crazy. Please, provide your input.

How do i add pressure to my baxi 80 boiler?

The pressure on my boiler is showing 0.3, there are 3 black taps under the boiler, one to right which stands alone and then 2 which stand together, i have tried turning them all and when i turn the one furthest to the left the pressure goes to 0 when i turn the others nothing seems to happen. Do I need a filling loop or am I just doing something wrong?

Dog jumps on table or counter and lies!?

My 60 lb. hound mix dog loves to either lie on the kitchen table or counter when no one is home. We have tried barricading him out of the kitchen but he seems to get through. I can no longer leave any food out, even food that I am thawing for dinner. We can be gone 10 minutes or 10 hours, does not matter, he is up on either the counter or table. I have laid newspapers, magazines, even soup cans on the edge of the table, yet he still manages a way up there. What can we do to stop this very bad behavior? He has three dog beds and blankets to lie on yet he prefers to lie up high when no one is around....why???? Please help - any suggestions?

Would this laptop be good enough to play a game with these requirements? (Laptop / game specs inside).?

If you own the laptop already or there is a internet enabled store model, try Can You Run It? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I just recently got my LLC and I'm trying to get donations...?

I just recently got my LLC and I'm trying to get donations so that I don't have to worry about paying off investors but I wanted to offer the people that donate some kind of tax write off for their donation. Is there a tax write off I can off in exchange for donations? If so what kind of tax write off would it be? and up to how much can I offer per person and all together?

Is microfiber "suede" washable?

Is it washable at all? I don't care if I have to had wash it! My couch is ruined! My daughter, left in the care of daddy, has messed up the cushions which zip off the actual couch. I really want to wash these and spot clean the actual couch! Help!

Do you think maverick dallas will lose the first round ?

Yes they will, sad for me because I bet for them. Tony Parker is back in action and Dallas are in great trouble with that news.

Will all these computer parts work together?

Yes, however swap the "POWERCOLOR AX3850" for as ATi Radeon HD 4850 model. Might cost a bit more, but will be worth it.

Im 13 and i am on my period, my mother told me that i can get tampons my next period which is now.........?

well when u get ur tampons theres gonna be a pice of paper and its gonna tell u how to use it. what kina of tampons if ur flow is hevy then use hevy flow tampons and if its moderate then u can use light tampons it depends on ur flow. and if u just started ur period i wouldnt use tampons untill u hav 2 like when u play sports or swim because the first time they kindof hurt espesily if u get the hevy flow

I missed the brits on sunday was there some big hoo har?

Nope, just the usual guff. As predicable as goldfish. McCartney got one cos everyone feels sorry for him, diddums

I keep getting shocked! How can I reduce static?

The shock I receive in my home is ridiculous. Every time I touch a doornob, the computer, or anything else, I receive a very strong painful shock. But now I am experiencing this at work. I work in a bar running a virtual reality golf game. The game has a fake gr/astro turf kind of floor, and it is ver staticky. All I have to do is place my foot on it momentarily, then when I touch the computer control screen you can see a bolt of electricity from my hand. It is very painful! Is it possible to purchase one of the little touch pads they have on gas pumps that are supposed to reduce shock? Or would keeping dryer sheets in my pockets and rubbing my hands on them work???

Statistical Methods?

I was teaching high school math, but now I am changing careers. I am a grad student now, studying statistics, and I need to get "plugged in". I've subscribed to receive statistical journals, and I am looking for more ways to get plugged in. Does anyone know of any organizations for statistics students, or have any other ideas to get plugged into the field of statistics?

Bella's lullaby on limewire?

when you search it on MP3 rocket or limewire, this one song comes up (the very first song, downloaded 31 times), and its absolutely beautiful. ive seen this song posted on several other sites also. is this the real song? anybody know?

Will you join my wwe tribute contest on youtube plus wq inside?

I won't because I think your contest is stupid. Why sub to someone if just because they won't if you don't like their vids you won't sub.

How to choose between two girls?

awrite its been lyk 4 weeks since i askd a question lyk this nd it feels weird 2 be askin this one now. basically i had trouble gettin wit black girls but, aftr some helpful advice, i decided 2 move on and have currently gottn with this girl. she is literaly perfact because we hav fun 2gther all the tym and i'v nearly fallen in love with her. the reason i say nearly is because of 2 things, one is that i she is ready 2 take the leap under the duvet covers nd u kno... but the thing is tht as much as i fink about it i kno tht i jus dnt wana do it yet. and my othr problm is tht although i realy lyk my currnt gf, i'v also bn finkin about this other girl who i'v lykd 4 a long tym, and now its realy affectin my sleep nd concentration coz i cnt stop finkin bout her. so basically, who do i choose?

Whats the difference between a leopard, a cheetah and jaguar?

Leopards live in Africa, and I think parts of Asia, Cheetahs live in Africa, and Jaguars live in South and central america, and possibly southwestern parts of North America, if they ever got up that far. Cheetahs are thin and light, built for extreme speed, Jaguars are smaller and stockier, built for power, and leopards are biggest. They hunt using stealth, like jaguars. Cheetahs run after their prey like dogs, except that they are the fastest animals on land. Also, their spots are all different, but I don't remember how.

Could she be making an excuse or telling the truth?

I don't see why she would make it up there must be some medical reason for this to be happening so maybe you should advise her to see her gp and see if she could maybe get some help in controlling it.

Do successful relationships happen when you least expect them?

has this happened to you? i hear this all the time and it just seems like a hard paradox, especially when you do want a gf or bf. if this happened to you, how did it come about?

How can i find the percentage abundance of an isotope-formula?

given m of an element maybe copper is 63.55 amu and the m of its isotopes 63 copper with m 62.93 amu and 65 copper with m 64.93 amu maybe 2 then i have to look for the percentage abundance of each of these isotopes

Is she interested or not?

She's most definitely interested. However, I do believe that, like she said, she's not ready for a relationship, and that's why she was avoiding you when you told her that you love her. Wait. Become her friend. Make her love you back. Just make sure that you don't get stuck in the "friend-zone".

Where can I Buy A navy or black woollen beach fleece?

Im looking for an oversized cardigan type hoodie which is made out of thick woollen material. I have seen designs similar in shops such as Abercrombie and Jack Wills which have wool in black or navy with a zigzag design across the front in white and a zip or ons and drawstring hood. I also saw a men's black version in Primark which they dont have anymore. Please Help :)

Please rate my fantasy baseball team... 6 team league with family. 1-10?

No problems at catcher. Your infield is solid even for a 6 team league. You sure don't need 3 2B. Dump Polanco, he will never get to bat for this team anyway. Scutaro has hit the wall and is on his way down. He will have no value for you. Your outfield is rich. Kemp .364, Sizemore at .258 but 5 HR's and 3 SB's, Ibanez .365, Abreu .370, Quentin only .270 but 7 HR's. and Cruz at .283 with 6 HR's. That is rich. You have a good pitching staff and good closers. With 6 teams and 30 closers, you need a 5th just to compete for saves. If I were you, I'd play Cantu at 3B and keep Chipper in reserve. I know with 6 teams everyone is loaded but you should be able to compete well with this team. Dump your duds and get some young talent in there and move on. I'd give you a solid 7 for this team.

Bing Bang Theory? Please help!?

OK i know that this question comes up day after day after day. Anyways, please help me because i have Very bad experience wit phi sics. I am an 8th grader and i have to do a research paper on the big bang theory. Quotes and anything about it will be much appreciatedd.

Do I have the flu or the stomach flu or what?

Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look.

Monday, August 8, 2011

I am a co-signer on a month to month rental lease. Can I get out of the lease?

I co-signed for someone for an apartment who turned out to be not so good of a friend. I am really worried that I am going to get stiffed with the bill. Is there any way I can leagally get out of the lease.

What is the cost of radioactive iodine treatment for thyroid cancer?

I had hyperthyroidism and just had radioactive iodine treatment which was supplied at the local hospital in April. It was given in 2 capsules. If you have thyroid cancer, then surgery is usually performed and the thyroid is removed. Go to and type in thyroid cancer! There you will find alot of info on the subject.

Does this sound like a good story to you?

i think it is absolutely great, but i cannot think of a title at the moment, if i do i will come back and edit it in

What other animals could i keep with a Orange-Eyed Crocodile Skink (Tribolonotus gracilis)?

i ume you already have the tribs so as you know they are a shy flightly species and all i can see is stress and food competition issues if you mixed these with anything. and naturally there are all the other dangers of mixing like agressive behavior, disease/parasite transfer, different micro climates/neiches etc

Why are men always portrayed as less attractive than women?

I think this is more of an indication of inherent misogyny in society. What does it say about our society that we have a double-standard where women are judged largely by their appearance and are expected to meet a particular standard, but men aren't expected to cater to their appearance as much? It seems unfair to women.

Do you like Nancy Pelosi as the speaker of the house?

Her seat is up for grabs this November and she'll most likely hold on to it, (Cindy Sheehan is her most viable opponent). So, do you like her as speaker or do you wish San Francisco would vote her out?

Something to do from the Hershey area heading to Allentown/Hamburg area in PA?

how about hershey park, or zoo america which is right next too hershey park, or chocolate world, or mabye hershey gardens....why dont you check out this website a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can anyone get the price of the original Pink RAZR when it first came out?

I need to know how much it was when I bought it. Im getting restitution for an ex breaking it 2 years ago (yea 2 years later, gota love the judicial system) But yea I cant anyone know? I tried looking on Verizon but it didnt have anything

Tell me what you think of my poem?

The structure is lovely, madam, but the imagery is lacking. I do not understand at all how one's heartbeat can "turn" into "compulsions." Try to be more concise with your imagery.

Why is tap water more conductive than distilled water?

Because it is not chemically pure, tap water will contain dissolved particles, salts, chlorine and other stuff added to kill off bacteria, not to mention traces of the copper from the pipes it travelled through. Those make the water conductive.

Group Moderation?

Im the owner of a new group.. and have a few ladies ready to help moderate when necessary. I notice when a message is ready to be modertated, we all get notified... Im interested to know how other group owners handle ~ who/which of the moderators approve the message? Whoever gets to it first? Is there a better way to set things up? Thanks ;)

What themes did Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston explore?

Langston Hughes was one of the first poets of his era to fuse rhythm of blues, be-bop and jazz music with everyday language. He often incorporated African themes throughout the lines of his poetry. Hughes was not afraid to voice his opposition to the racial, social, and political inequality he saw around him. He also believed that poets were the dream keepers for their people, so dreams became a repeating them throughout his work. For example, in the poem "Harlem", Hughes wondered "what happens to a dream deferred." This line was the inspiration for Lorraine Hansberry play "A Raisin in the Sun." Dreams also come into play in his poem "Mother to Son" where a mama encourages her son to hang onto his dreams despite the struggles he may face. Hope this helps!

To all you ice skaters out theree!?

Hey so I bought my first pair of ice skates today. I ice skate every saturday or so. They're Glacier figure skates and I need to know if I should get them sharpened first! When I bought them the guy was like did you get them sharpened? And my mom was like oh well they're brand new they don't need to be sharpened right? And he was like i guess so. Only I'm pretty sure they were supposed to be so should i bring them back or should I be good? I'm a very beginner skater haha I can skate forwards and thats about it(: so what should I do? and if I do what kind of grind should I get?

What colognes do you like on men?

dolce and gabbana is AWESOME cologne for men. i have the light blue but the normal one smells good too. i also like the sean john unforgiveable

What are some good schools for martial arts in the North York region or even all of Toronto?

So basically, I'm looking for a really good Martial arts teacher in the North York region or even all of Toronto that you would be able to recommend. The style of which he/she teaches isn't really important because I really don't have a wide knowledge of the different styles. I would just like to hear from the public view as to some of the best teachers out there, and in a reasonable distance. I currently live at Dufferin and Finch and don't mind travelling an hour on the bus for quality. Thanks in advance.

Where can I buy a Pittsburgh Steelers Coat Tree?

Looking for a tall wooden coat tree for my Pittsburgh Steelers fanatic brother. I live in Pittsburgh but have yet to be able to find one. help!

Why do the Broncos have so many running backs?

They won't keep all of them. It is a numbers game. With numbers, you have more to look at and then keep the best. Most teams carry 5 RBs. The others could become trade material depending on the depth of RBs on other teams. If not, they will become free agents or placed on the practice squad.

Parents: Do you think its ok to let a child believe in Santa Claus?

I don't see the harm in it. We were told about Santa and the tooth fairy and all that growing up. It's just something I choose not to do with my own children.

Middle names for Talia?

The last name is Gonzalez. I really like Katherine, but I'm still searching for other options. And I don't like filler middle names like Grace, Marie or Jean, either, something a bit unusual but normal enough for her uncommon first name. Thanks!

Do you think this rumor is true?

Now I heard that some NFL sources are saying that Terrell Owens is close to a deal that will send him to Oakland. I don't know, but knowing Al Davis's rep for bring in over the hill hall of Famers it could be. What do you all think?

Were you a Hilary Duff fan?

I was a HUGE fan when I was like 6 and 7 (I'm 13 now) I had all her CDs and knew all her songs :D I kinda miss her

Fourth Book of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants?

i know the 4th book is coming out in january but what day? and what is your favorite book? if you don't know what i am talking aobut, i am talking aobut the one with bridget, carmen, tibby, lena, kostos, effie, etc.

Which of the following BEST DESCRIBES YOU???

Animal lover who doesn't like kids unless they are my own. I am sweet but hardly innocent or virginal (hence my kids). I do try to be a peacemaker but that is hard when dealing with the above bad ***. I do get giggly but unfortunately at the most inopportune times. And since you didn't list the "doesn't follow directions" choice, it is obvious now that I answered more than one.

What is wrong with the court system?

Why is it that Marions Jones, who use HGH to enhance her sporting career, gets 6mos in jail, when some one like Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, Nicole Richie or any of the hollywood scene get a slap on the hand. What is wrong with the court system!?

Is this true ?

Christians are dumb because they base their belief on faith, which means, be stupid and don't question anything you're told. The church has to say that because otherwise, the Bible becomes a crock, with many inconsistencies and many things that simply do not make sense.

What's the kindest and most discreet way to remind someone to PAY UP?

Disguise it as you asking for advice. Say, "I was thinking, now that all the good sales are on because of the economy, what you recommend I spend that Christmas money on?" Then go on about a few things you think you could afford (make sure to mention the amount $200) and say "But what do you think?"

Read this!!!!and answer!!!?

i have just learned to ollie on a sk8 board (when you jump) make me feel accomplished,if you have the best accomplishment reward you get best answer =)

My friend who works abroad is sick and wants to go home but doesn't have enough savings.should she go home?

she's a nurse in kuwait and earns well but once she go home,the savings won't be enough to support her family and lifetime medication.what advise can you give her?

Register for an IGNOU PG course in India and write exam in Kuwait?

Can I register for an IGNOU post graduate program in India and write the exams at their Kuwait examination center? What are the formalities?

Do you think woman look hot with tattoos and body piercings ?

Or do you think it's cheap and makes the woman look hard and sleazy ?They don't call them tramp stamps for nothing.

Will the government do an outstanding job with our health care just like they did with our schools?

Congress isn't complaining about their government health care but they don't want to share it with us. And people on medicaid have been generally pleased with it for decades.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What the shmackel happened to Ariel Sharon?

it warms my heart that he is in a coma and you know whats more awesome? what if he is actually he is awake and his body is frozen like that. o man that will the greatest torture a man can endure.

If one more person ask about these things one more time, I am going to flip and go Kane?

Thank you, but these people are too stupid to bother listening. Half of them are 13 year old children who belong in bed right now anyway.

Nicola Tesla--did he leave many mysteries?

I remember reading about a "death ray" that he had perfected but became clified by the Government supposedly yet the Government is still working on effective portable laser systems to knock down missles,etc. Were his papers "lost",are there any profound mysteries left unanswered, is there any validity to some of the more bazzar claims about his incomplete projects, the scope and depth of his knowledge that remains truely unexplained by believing scientists in this day and age or is it for the most part X-File type baloney?Please no websites-I get the impression many can't see the comic book from the truth.

What is a good synonym for the word thought - provoking?

Im doing a book report and I have to describe a book (Prep by Curtis Sittensfeld) using adjectives. I'm trying to say that the story talks about many things that the reader can relate to. Is their a specific word that means relatable??? Is thought-provoking okay cause I could stretch it and say that b/c the reader can relate to the story, you think more deeply and blahblahblah...