Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is Liverpool/Merseyside a good place to live?

There are some good parts and some bad to very bad parts in Liverpool just like anywhere. But in general Liverpool is a big city with its own strong culture. People there speak scouse and has a mixed race society. There is a chinatown and has good chinese community and other people types. But like anywhere, foreigners are just a small percentage of the people in Liverpool. Crime is not too bad (from opinion only). Out of ten I would say Liverpool is a 7 or an 8 to live. Its popular, famous (footbal team), improving city and have some beautiful women that live there. How it is for you, will depend on where you live. Liverpool has had regeneration work done to it to bring the old into the present, buildings have come down and rebuilt modern apartments and so on. I would suggest you contact an estate agent in Liverpool and if you can afford, I would ask for a modern apartment close to where your going to work or within driving time.

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