Monday, August 15, 2011

Is it love, and if so what should i do?

Ok so there is this girl i am interested in. We are not together,we're just friends, but she knows i am interested in more than a friendship. A few months ago i confessed my feelings for her and since then we have been talking and texting on a regular basis (we're txting The thing about this girl is that she is extremely hard to read from a mental standpoint. In the past she has been with a few guys, and she ended up with her heart broken so now she is not so quick to open up and wants to take things slow. As far as her feelings for me; she told me there was something there, but that was about it, go figure huh? She is also in school and she wants to finish before she considers a relationship. .So basically if i want this girl its going to take alot of patience, which is cool with me. The thing is though, that my feelings are steadily growing for her, and this time its different then feelings ive had for any other girl; for instance, does not even cross my mind win i initially think of her, like all my past girlfriends. I'm interested in learning more about her as a person more than anything, she is the last person on my mind before i go to sleep, and the first when i wake up. I cood go on and on about my feelings for her but im here for advice on this matter. I think i love her, but i am afraid that telling her would be a bit much at this point and time. I know if we are going to be together it will be a while before it actually happens, so should i just wait to reveal my feelings; moreover, is this even love? I am really confused because i know there is a time and a place for everything, and i don't want 2 ruin it by going overboard. What is a guy to do???

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