Saturday, August 13, 2011

I'm getting so sick of this...?

I don't know what to do. I'm constantly stressing about food, what I'm going to eat in two hours, planning days and activities around planning for food. I counted calories for about 4 months (1000 calories) and lost 30 pounds. Now, I'm 5'6 & 126, and am always I eat. But then I'll feel so guilty for eating...and get so depressed when I'm hungry again & have to eat. I lie about what I've eaten & always have to get reurance from people that I'm not eating to much...& they usually just say "stop being ridiculous". I don't know how to get over this problem...counting calories, feeling guilty, feeling sad about eating, and the fact that if i do eat, i'll probably gain weight...and obsessing over the scale-I weigh myself after meals. At the moment, I'm at the brink of tears just thinking about what I've eaten today. Please, please help.

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