Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Me and My girlfriend broke up?

This is a revision of a previous question.. In summary, we met, talked, dated 2 weeks later, roke up because we rushe into things, got back together a month later, dated 4 nonstop loving and happy months, never fought, always laughed, always smiled, no bad at all, she made life more than just worth living, i gave up friends, a scholarship, and a few other things just so i could be home with her. I told her id support aything she did with my own money, help her in anyway, but our relationship was based on two main things : Love and Honesty. I was honest about everything except one thing. I lied to her when we first got together, I told her id never gotten far with another woman. Well, i cant handle lying. Im not a liar, im bad at it, I cant stand doing it, i just diddnt want her to think differently of me. I would have told her when things were great but i thought that would ruin things between us. She was an incredible girlfriend, gorgeous, sweet, funny, loving, and affectionate above all else. I was this as a boyfriend for 4 months, then the lies started to sink in. We had 3 months in, took eachothers virginity ( when i said i hadent been with another girl, i wasent lying, i was still a virgin when we did it... but i had gotten alot father than i told her ) and went along having ALOT of . Everytime we did it though, i thought about the lie. it kinda ruined it for me, but i couldnt just tell her. She would have been devestated. So after four months, I started getting pissed off at myself. I diddnt like myself for lying, and she noticed something was wrong. She tried to ask me what was up, and i just shrugge it off. said nothing muffin, and went on. Then i had some family problems. Never told her about those. They were killing me on the inside, but i was like "screw that, i dont want her to have to be sad over my problems" well unfortunately thats part of a relationship. She used to glow when i came, used to jump up run and kiss me. After i starte getting pissy with her, she became distant. She thought she had done something wrong. I tried to reure her, but nothing helped, she smiled at me and tried to be happy, but she really wasent. She gradually lost all feeling torward me physically, her kisses were limp, her hugs limp, she diddnt want anymore. isnt the deal, i dont care about it, but she LOVED it. Thats what told me things were really bad. She even stopped smiling at me eventually, 8 months into the relationship, she stopped telling me non stop that she loved me, stopped kissing me alot, stopped being by my side when we were together. Then I finally told her, i got it off my chest, but after the whole month of fighting with her, she was already angry and that blew everything out of proportion. She freaked out, dumped me and went on. Well its been 2-3 weeks, and here i am, still in love with her, still hung up over the whole thing, i cant go 6 hours without talking to her, and she always replies and talks back. but she does it VERY coldly. no more jokes, no more humor or fun, she just shrugs off any humor i put in. she is very cold torward me, but tells me we need to start completely over, i lied to her and made the love we had into a joke.. thats not true i really loved her. I just diddnt wanna hurt her, or ruin thngs between us. She told me everything shed done, and expected me to tell her. Trust and love was the foundation of our relationship, and trust was taken away, so she believes that my love was tainted too. I need to show her i love her, show her i care. She just wants to be friends, but her friends tell me she still loves me and talks about me. How do i go about getting back with her? I call all the time and try to talk to her, but shes always busy, or shes always stone cold to me. Help? I love her, ive been sick since she left, and i cant eat or sleep right anymore. someone give me some advice or something to make things between me and her better......

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